
DocView is an Android application designed to facilitate patient and doctor login, as well as medical image upload and viewing. This README provides a detailed overview of the app, its features, and instructions for setting it up and running.


  • User Login: Allows users to log in using their username and password.
  • Image Upload: Users can upload images after logging in.
  • Custom EditText Background: The background color of the EditText fields changes based on focus.
  • Custom Status Bar Color: The status bar color is customized for the login activity.


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  • Android Studio
  • Android SDK
  • Java JDK


  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone

  2. Open the project in Android Studio:

    • Launch Android Studio.
    • Select Open an existing Android Studio project.
    • Navigate to the cloned repository and click OK.
  3. Build the project:

    • Click on Build in the top menu.
    • Select Make Project or press Ctrl + F9.
  4. Run the application:

    • Click on the Run button or press Shift + F10.
    • Select the deployment target (an emulator or a connected device).


  1. Patient Login Screen:

    • Enter your username and password.
    • Click the Login button to proceed to the image upload screen.
  2. Doctor Login Screen:

    • Enter your username and password.
    • Click the Login button to view the uploaded image.
  3. Image Upload Screen:

    • Patients can upload their images.
    • Doctors can view the uploaded images.


  • Fork the repository.
  • Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/your-feature).
  • Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature').
  • Push to the branch (git push origin feature/your-feature).
  • Create a new Pull Request.