Learn Git



  • Forget Initial Commit for now
  • There are two branches - master and working
  • The commit story is as follows:
    • First commit adds first.txt
    • Second Commit adds second.txt
    • Third Commit fixes typo in first file
    • Fourth Commit changes the README.md file


  • Fork this repo to your private github repo
  • Clone the repository to your system
  • Delete the third file, and commit the changes
  • The second commit message is wrong. It should be changed to "Added Second File"
  • The third commit fixes a typo in the first file. To have a cleaner repo, merge these 2 commits into one.
  • Merge working with master
  • Push it to github at https://github.com/{your_username}/learn-git
  • Make a PR request to this repo in the master branch


  • You are free to use any Internet websites for this
  • This is a binary question, you will be alloted 5 Marks for correctness, else you'll be given 1.
  • Students who don't attend the quiz will be awarded no marks