
Learning management system

Primary LanguageVue



Requires: MongoDB, NodeJS

$ git clone https://github.com/samarsault/noodle
# Build the vue app
$ cd client && npm i && npm run build
$ cd ../server
# run the server
$ npm i && npm start

Setting up

To run the app, you will require a .env file for the both the server (server/.env) and the client (client/.env) which contains some configuration details.

These environment variables can be easily set by running bash populate_env.sh from the root folder.

The client env file will look like this (substitute your values):


The server env file will look something like(subtitute your values):


The GOOGLE_CLIENT_ID and GOOGLE_CLIENT_SECRET, used for authentication can be obtained via the Google API console While setting up Google Credentials ensure you set the following fields correctly:

If you plan on working on any of the AWS related features, include the aws_access_key_id, aws_secret_access_key, aws_region and aws_bucket_name in the .env as well. These can be obtained from your AWS account

Note that the first user you create is granted admin status by default.