
Experimental shopping site in C++

Primary LanguageC++


An experimental shopping site prototype using a CGI Interface



Once, you've installed the libraries in the C++ Dependencies section,

$ make cpp # compile C++
$ make css # compile sass
$ make serve


SQLite is used as a database engine. The following databases exist:

  1. User ID, Name, Address, Email, ID, Auth_Token(Password), Type(Buyer/Seller)

  2. Items Name, Price, Description, Discount(FLOAT), IMAGE, SellerID, Inventory

  3. Orders OrderID, UserID, ProductID

C++ Dependencies

CGICC: http://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/cgicc/

SQLITE C++ Parser: https://github.com/aminroosta/sqlite_modern_cpp

JSON: https://github.com/nlohmann/json