A Discord bot that provides ctf tools for collaboration in Discord servers!

Primary LanguagePython



A discord.py bot focused on

providing CTF tools for collaboration in Discord servers (ctftime.org commands, team setup, utilites, etc)! If you have a feature request, make it a GitHub issue or use the !request "x" command.

This is a fork of the Nullctf Bot, as used by the recently created Texas-based team: UTC!

Invite to your server

Join the support server

How to Use

This bot has commands for encoding/decoding, ciphers, and other commonly accessed tools during CTFs. But, the main use for NullCTF is to easily set up a CTF for your discord server to play as a team. The following commands listed are probably going to be used the most.

  • !create_ctf "ctf name" This is the command you'll use when you want to begin a new CTF. This command will make a text channel with your supplied name under the category 'CTF' (If the category doesn't exist it will be created). (The lather part is still a TODO...) In addition, the bot will also post and pin messages for help topics with the interaction between the bot. Must have permissions to manage channels

    Creating CTF

CTF context-specific commands

Once a CTF has a been created, the following commands can be run on the specifically created channel for that CTF. This is to avoid clashes with multiple ctfs going on in the same server.

  • !ctf join/leave Using this command will either give or remove the role of a created ctf to/from you.


  • !ctf add/delete "challenge" Allows users to add or remove challenges. This will also associate a respective private channel to that challenge. Challenges created will be defaulted into the working category. Use quotations for multi-word challenge names. Must have permissions to manage channels in order to delete challenges!

Adding a challenge

  • !ctf invite <user> Pings and invites a user to the CTF.

  • !ctf working "challenge" Marks the user as "working" on a particular challenge. This invites the user to the respective private channel for that challenge. (Without this, the user would not be able to see the challenge channel unless he/she is an admin).

Working on a challenge

  • !ctf challenge list This is the list command that was previously mentioned, it displays the added challenges, who's working on what, and if a challenge is solved (and by who).

List of challenges

  • !ctf archive/unarchive Archives all channels associated with the ctf or any of the challenges and moves them into the archive category. (Note that there is a 50 channel limit to a category, so once that is reached, the bot will just fail for now...) Must have permissions to manage channels

Challenge context-specific commands

Once a challenge has been created for a CTF, the following commands can be run on the specifically created channel for that challenge.

  • !chal done [with-users....] Marks a challenge as finished. This will move the challenge into the done category. If multiple people worked together to complete a challenge, additional users can be tacked after the done command, separated by spaces. Only the user who marked it as done (or admins with manage channels permission) can modify dones. Here is how it is displayed on the challenge channel:

Done with a challenge!

And the CTF channel.

Ctf channel --- done

  • !chal undone Marks a finished challenge as not done. Again only the user who has marked it as done, or an admin can make this move.

  • !chal invite <user> Invites a user to join this challenge channel.


The following commands use the api from ctftime

  • !ctftime countdown/timeleft Countdown will return when a selected CTF starts, and timeleft will return when any currently running CTFs end in the form of days hours minutes and seconds.

enter image description here

enter image description here

  • !ctftime upcoming <number> Uses the api mentioned to return an embed up to 5 upcoming CTFs. If no number is provided the default is 3.

enter image description here

  • !ctftime current Displays any currently running CTFs in the same embed as previously mentioned.

enter image description here

  • !ctftime top <year> Shows the ctftime leaderboards from a certain year (dates back to 2011).

enter image description here

Utility commands

  • !magicb filetype Returns the mime and magicbytes of your supplied filetype. Useful for stegonography challenges where a filetype is corrupt.

  • !rot "a message" <right/left> Returns all 25 possible rotations for a message with an optional direction (defaults to left).

  • !b64 encode/decode "message" Encode or decode in base64 (at the time of writing this, if there are any unprintable characters this command will not work, this goes for all encoding/decoding commands).

  • !binary encode/decode "message" Encode or decode in binary.

  • !hex encode/decode "message" Encode or decode in hex.

  • !url encode/decode "message" Encode or decode with url parse. This could be used for generating XSS payloads.

  • !reverse "message" Reverse a message.

  • !counteach "message" Count the occurrences of each character in the supplied message.

  • !characters "message" Count the amount of characters in your message.

  • !wordcount a test Counts the amount of words in your message (don't use quotations).

  • !htb Return when the next hackthebox machine is going live from @hackthebox_eu on twitter.

  • !cointoss Get a 50/50 cointoss to make all your life's decisions.

  • !request/report "a feature"/"a bug" Dm's the creator with your feature/bug request/report.

  • !help pagenumber Returns the help page of your supplied number (currently there are 2 pages)

Have a feature request? Make a GitHub issue or use the >request command.