
Applied SQL and R on 10 million+ grocery chain records for insights into purchasing behavior, product relationships, and demographics. Reported a 27% revenue growth opportunity in underperforming segments, a theoretical gain of $106K.

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Description: This project aimed to enhance campaign participation and increase sales for various age groups within Regork’s customer base. Utilizing SQL, R, and Tableau, the analysis focused on age groups '19-24,' '25-34,' '55-64,' and '65+,' employing Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) techniques to derive actionable insights for targeted marketing strategies.

Key Points:

  1. Data Collection and Preparation: Multiple datasets including customer demographics, transaction history, product details, and campaign data were collected and prepared for analysis through data cleaning, filtering, and aggregation.

  2. Insights Derived: Distinct preferences for product categories were identified among different age groups. For example, '19-24' and '25-34' showed interest in SNACKS, while '55-64' favored FLUID MILK PRODUCTS. Moreover, certain age groups exhibited lower campaign participation, indicating areas for improvement.

  3. Sales Trends and Opportunities: '45-54' and '35-44' consistently demonstrated higher sales, suggesting their significance in revenue generation. The analysis also uncovered bundling opportunities, proposing tailored bundle offers for each age group to drive sales.

  4. Recommendations: Tailored marketing strategies, such as personalized email campaigns and bundled offers, were recommended to increase campaign participation and sales for specific age groups. Additionally, strategies targeting senior audiences, including senior-friendly store enhancements and exclusive discounts, were proposed.

  5. Limitations and Future Improvements: Limitations such as data quality and the need for further analysis to establish causality were acknowledged. Future improvements could involve predictive modeling and consideration of external factors for a more comprehensive analysis.

This project demonstrates proficiency in SQL, R, and Tableau, showcasing the ability to conduct data analysis, derive insights, and provide actionable recommendations for targeted marketing strategies.