
  • This application is the reponse to the Adfenix Test

  • To run the application

    • Clone the repository or download it
    • Open using Visual Studio 2015 (with Starcounter installed)
    • Start a new instance of the project named "Essam"
    • Navigate to "http://localhost:8080/Essam"
  • Urls:

    • /Essam : Start, Corporation list, add corporation
    • /Essam/franchise_office_details/{?} : franchise office edit page, add sale transaction, sale transaction list
    • /Essam/partials/corporation/{?} : corporation partial, add franchise office, franchise office list
    • /Essam/partials/franchise_office/{?} : franchise office partial for franchise office list
    • /Essam/partials/address_details/{?} : address details partial for edit franchise office address
    • /Essam/partials/transaction/{?} : transaction partial for sale transaction list
    • /Essam/partials/address/{?} : address partial for transaction partial
  • The trend implementation is the percent of (the sum of comissions of the current quarter up to today's date) divided by (the sum of commissions of the same quarter last year up to the same date)