

This project simulates the dining philosophers problem using threads and mutexes. The goal is to implement a solution that ensures the philosophers can eat without encountering issues like deadlocks or starvation.

Table of Contents


The project has the following dependencies:

  • pthread: The POSIX thread library for creating and managing threads.


To compile the program, run the following command:


This will generate an executable named philo.


To run the program, use the following command:

./philo [number_of_philosophers] [time_to_die] [time_to_eat] [time_to_sleep] [number_of_times_each_philosopher_must_eat]

Program Arguments

  • number_of_philosophers: The number of philosophers and forks. Each philosopher will have a fork on their left and right sides.
  • time_to_die: The time (in milliseconds) a philosopher can go without eating before they die.
  • time_to_eat: The time (in milliseconds) it takes for a philosopher to eat.
  • time_to_sleep: The time (in milliseconds) a philosopher spends sleeping.
  • number_of_times_each_philosopher_must_eat (optional): The - number of times each philosopher must eat before the simulation stops. If not specified, the simulation stops when a philosopher dies.

Example Command

Here's an example command to run the program:

./philo 5 800 200 200

This will simulate 5 philosophers, with a time to die of 800 milliseconds, time to eat of 200 milliseconds, and time to sleep of 200 milliseconds. The simulation will run until a philosopher dies.


The program logs the state changes of the philosophers. Each state change is displayed with a timestamp in milliseconds and the philosopher number. The possible states are:

  • has taken a fork
  • is eating
  • is sleeping
  • is thinking
  • died


Contributions to this project are welcome. If you find any issues or have suggestions for improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.