
Organize events

Primary LanguagePython


*  Python >=3.5,
*  Django = 2.0.*
*  MongoDB >= 3.6
*  Pipenv >= 11.10
*  git >= 2.7.4


  • run git clone https://github.com/samayamnag/events-python.git <projectname> to clone the repository
  • run cd <projectname>
  • run pipenv shell to enable virtual environment
  • run pipenv install to install packages/dependencies
  • run cp .env.example .env
  • Create a database and configure database(MongoDB also) in .env

Generate Secret key

from django.core.management import utils utils.get_random_secret_key()

  • set APP_SECRET_KEY in .env

  • run pipenv run python manage.py runserver

  • You can access the project something like http://localhost:8000/


  • You can access the events details something like http://localhost:8000/api/events/<id>
  • You can create an event something like http://localhost:8000/api/events/create/