
Simple CURD app using NestJS and MongoDB

Primary LanguageTypeScript


  • NodeJS >= 12
  • Mysql >= 5.7
  • MongoDB >= 4.0
  • NPM/yarn
  • PM2 >= 3.5.1


$ git clone https://github.com/samayamnag/nestjs-crud-app.git
$ cd <project_name>
$ npm install

Set config

$ cp .env.example .env
  • Provide values in .env

Run the application

# local
$ nodemon or $ npm run start

# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev

Application documentation

$ npx compodoc -p tsconfig.json -s

Code Overview


  • nestjs - TypeScript based NodeJS framework
  • nodemon - Developer tool for NodeJS applications
  • typeorm - ORM for Typescript and Javascript
  • mysql2 - MySQL client for NodeJS
  • mongoose - MongoDB bject modeling tool
  • dotenv - To load environment variables from .env file
  • bcrypt - bcrypt for NodeJs
  • class-validator - Decorator-based property validation for classes.
  • class-transformer - Decorator-based transformation, serialization,
    and deserialization between objects and classes
  • passport-jwt - A Passport strategy for authenticating with a JSON Web
  • documentation - Documentation tool


This application is using passport's jwt strategy for authentication. For more info https://docs.nestjs.com/techniques/authentication