
Website Ronypony


*  Webserver(apache) >= 2.4
*  PHP >=7.1.3,
*  Laravel = 5.7.*
*  Mysql >= 8.0
*  Composer >= 1.5.2
*  Redis >= 3.0
*  NodeJS >= 8.9.1
*  NPM >= 5.5.1
*  Yarn >= 1.3.2
*  git >= 2.7.4

PHP extensions

*  ext-bcmath
*  ext-zip


  • run sudo a2enmod rewrite
  • run sudo service apache2 restart
  • run git clone <projectname> to clone the repository
  • run cd <projectname>
  • run sudo apt-get install php7.x-bcmath && apt-get install php7.x-zip
  • run cp .env.example .env or copy .env.example .env
  • run chmod 400 .env && chown -R www-data:www-data .env to secure from public access
  • run composer install --no-interaction --prefer-dist --optimize-autoloader
  • Create a database and configure database(MongoDB also) in .env
  • Give permissions to storage/logs and bootstrap/cache folders
  • run php artisan key:generate
  • run php artisan migrate
  • run php artisan storage:link
  • Create virtual host for the project something like http://ronypony.local/ (optional)

JWT token

  • run php artisan jwt:secret to generate secret key

Database seeding

  • run composer dump-autoload to load all Seeder classes
  • run php artisan db:seed


  • make sure sqlite extension installed and enabled
  • run cp .env.testing.example .env.testing
  • run php artisan key:generate --env=testing to generete app key for test cases
  • run str_random(32) in tinker and assign value in JWT_SECRET in .env.testing
  • run php artisan config:clear
  • vendor\bin\phpunit to run test cases
  • vendor\bin\phpunit --filter <tes_name> to run specific test case


  • Run all Mix tasks npm run dev
  • Run all Mix tasks and minify output npm run production


  • php artisan config:clear
  • php artisan clear-compiled
  • php artisan optimize
  • php artisan config:cache