Software engineer with 15 years of professional experience. I am graduated from Paris Dauphine University (M2) Computer Science & Finance.
France Paris
Pinned Repositories
Asp Net Core MVC Web App CRUD with EF Core Using Code First Approach.
Electronics-Shop is an ecommerce full stack web application with using react with typescript for frontend redux toolkit for state management including authentication with roles and full crud cms admin dashboard, node with typescript express js for backend and mongodb for database
React Native Track Player Music Player: Expo router - TypeScript -Zustand
This is a React Native FinTech App using Clerk for user authentication with OTP: Expo Router-SMS OTP-Zustand and MMKV
Next.js recently became the official React framework as outlined in React docs. In this course, you'll learn the most important Next.js concepts and how they fit into the React ecosystem. Finally, you'll put your skills to the test by building a modern full-stack Next 13 application.
Used: create-react-app; typescript; bootstrap reactstrap; redux-persistent; redux-observable; axios; For tests: jest enzyme redux-mock-storeIn this project I use only functional components and React Hooks.
une apps utilisant la techno redux-saga: utilisation de { retry, call, put, takeEvery, delay, all, race, fork, spawn, take, select }
in this App you will learn how to make a professional Admin Dashboard Page with HTML and CSS . You will learn to create the good looking, admin dashboard page that you can use in your web applications and it is mobile friendly.
This project is a dummy e-commerce application built using React, Tailwind CSS, Vite, TypeScript, and Redux Toolkit. It aims to showcase various features commonly found in e-commerce platforms, including a homepage, product listing page, cart functionality, and user-authenticated pages like account and wishlist.
Build a COMPLETE Fullstack Responsive MERN App with Auth, Likes, Dark Mode | React, MongoDB, MUI
sambabhouria's Repositories
This is a React Native FinTech App using Clerk for user authentication with OTP: Expo Router-SMS OTP-Zustand and MMKV
Next.js recently became the official React framework as outlined in React docs. In this course, you'll learn the most important Next.js concepts and how they fit into the React ecosystem. Finally, you'll put your skills to the test by building a modern full-stack Next 13 application.
This project is a dummy e-commerce application built using React, Tailwind CSS, Vite, TypeScript, and Redux Toolkit. It aims to showcase various features commonly found in e-commerce platforms, including a homepage, product listing page, cart functionality, and user-authenticated pages like account and wishlist.
React Native Track Player Music Player: Expo router - TypeScript -Zustand
This is the demo of react native which is achieved using Native Bridging in iOS and Android
Build Ecommerce Like Amazon By NEXT JS Tailwinds And mongodbAthlas
My Portfolio using react tailwindcss
Clothing app is a project built using React js. Users can explore products, browse according to category, sort item on the basis of price, add or remove products from cart, adjust item quantities and see real time price update.
Travel App UI in React Native with Expo Router: Custom Bottom TabBar Navigator-Reausable Buttons and Add Animation
FullStack Twitter application using React, NextJS, TailwindCSS & Prisma.
full ecommerce application like amazon : react node express mongo typescript
This is a repository for a FullStack Airbnb App using React, NextJS, TailwindCSS & Prisma
Quickly find relevant financial data (in React TypeScript + .NET API-8)
Welcome to GymNex, where fitness meets community and transformation happens! : built with react-typescript, tailwindcss and vite
Netflix App Master Full Stack Netflix Clone development with Next.js 12, React, Tailwind, Prisma, and MongoDB. This is a repository for a FullStack Netflix Clone using React, NextJS, TailwindCSS & Prisma.
Build Twitch with Next JS and Tailwind CSS *Bonus NextAuth.js* 🏆 Build Twitch UI with Next.JS🏆 NextAuth.js web app authentication🏆 Routing in Next.js🏆 Statically imported images & external URL loaded images
The complete Next.js Course : Next.js 13 App Router, Auth.js, MongoDB, SSR, CSR components.
Build Ecommerce Like Amazon USING NEXT JS 14 Tailwinds And mongodbAthlas
Tailwind Nike Ecommerce project Typescript and Redux Toolkit: 1- react-touch-carousel component –tailwind için line-clamp 2-For add cart notifications react-hot-toast-3-lot of Tailwindcss
In this App you can learn how One-time password (OTP) systems provide a mechanism for logging on to a network or service using a unique password
GraphQL Full Stack MERN Project : react node apollo-client express-graphql graphql mongodb
React Hook Form controllers for all Material-UI components, along with Zod schema validation for enhanced form handling and data integrity.This project almost contains all possible combinations with React Hook Form, Material UI and Zod (discriminated unions with Zod and React Hook Form and MUI, customized controller and so much more). Components
Builiding react native app using expo lastest version universal Android, iOS, and web app React Native-Expo-Nativewind-Animatable-Appwrite
Complete E-Commerce App with React, Strapi, Stripe | Shopping App
Config files for my GitHub profile.
Social media app using MongoDB, Express, Node, React, GraphQL, and Node (the MERNG stack)
This is a simple cart app using solid.Solid.js is a new front-end framework for creating web applications (like Vue, React, Svelte and others).
Build a Hotel Management App Using Strapi and Next.j
A small, fast, and scalable bearbones state management solution. Zustand has a comfy API based on hooks. It isn't boilerplatey or opinionated, but has enough convention to be explicit and flux-like.