
template for dapptools/nix

Primary LanguageNix

Opinionated repository template

Nix: Coverage niv auto update

wget https://github.com/sambacha/nix-template/archive/master.zip

Based on nix.dev tutorials, repository template to get you started with Nix:

  • niv for painless dependency management (aka pinning) with a daily cronjob to bump dependencies
  • gitignore.nix for respecting .gitignore when using your project as a source
  • pre-commit-hooks.nix for running linters (defaults to shellcheck, nix-linter and nixpkgs-fmt) when committing and on the CI
  • direnv for automatically loading your developer environment
  • GitHub Actions for CI with dependabot automatically bumping GitHub Actions versions

Getting started

  1. Follow tutorial for creating a binary cache
  2. Replace nix-getting-started-template in .github/workflows/test.yml with the name of your binary cache

Using the project

Follow direnv setup and run direnv allow

CI: Using Cacheix

# Cachix Workflow
name: "cachix"
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: cachix/install-nix-action@v12
    - uses: cachix/cachix-action@v8
        name: nix-getting-started-template
        signingKey: '${{ secrets.CACHIX_SIGNING_KEY }}'
        # Only needed for private caches
        #authToken: '${{ secrets.CACHIX_AUTH_TOKEN }}'
    - run: nix-build https://github.com/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY/archive/$GITHUB_SHA.tar.gz
    - run: nix-shell https://github.com/$GITHUB_REPOSITORY/archive/$GITHUB_SHA.tar.gz --run "echo OK"