
Primary LanguageJavaScript



  1. Head to the Releases pages, and select ankor-{version}.dmg.
  2. Once downloaded, find the dmg file in your Downloads folder and double click to open up the installer.
  3. Double tap ankor.app
  4. Once Ankor is open, click on the "Login with Linear" button.
  5. You will then be redirected to Linear's website where you will be asked to Authorize Ankor.
  6. Once authorized, the Ankor app will open up with your issues.


  1. Head to the Releases pages, and download ankor.Setup.{version}.exe
  2. Once downloaded, double click the installer in your Downloads folder.
  3. You will run into a "Windows protected your PC" prompt. 1
  4. Hit "More info"
  5. Hit "Run anyway"

Getting started

  1. Once the app is authorized, you will be presented with a list of your tasks.
  2. Click on the task row.
  3. A modal will popout with an input.
  4. Type in the duration of the task. We read time as human readable time formats such as "1h, 1 hour, 1h 10m, 10 mins, 10m".

If you have any issues, please email me at sam.barrowclough@gmai.com


  1. The app for windows is not yet code signed. It costs (at a minimum) $250/yr for a license - which quite frankly, is a lot of money for this idea which may not take off. I will however buy the license if/once this idea does generate some income!