Credit Card Validator

Welcome to the Credit Card Validator project! This simple Go application allows you to validate credit card transactions against a specified limit. This project was originally created for the Turing School of Software and Design's Back End Engineering program in Ruby, but I have adapted the original project, while following all guidlines, to work in Go.


  1. Confirm you have Go installed correctly on your local machine at this link:

  2. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  3. Navigate to the project directory:

    cd go-credit-check
  4. Run the application:

    go run main.go
  5. Confirm that all tests are passing:

    go test ./...
  6. Follow the prompts in the command line to input credit card details and transaction amount.

Project Structure

  • main.go: Contains the main application logic for interacting with users and initiating credit card validations.
  • creditCard/creditCard.go: Defines the CreditCard struct and related methods for creating, retrieving information, and validating credit cards.
  • bank/bank.go: Implements the Bank struct and a method for validating transactions based on credit card limits and validity.