
Fault tolerant Pub/Sub library for RabbitMQ

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Resilient Pub/Sub framework for RabbitMQ and Go

tag Go Version GoDoc Build Status Go report Coverage Contributors License

  • Based on github.com/rabbitmq/amqp091-go driver
  • Resilient to network failure
  • Auto reconnect: recreate channels, bindings, producers, consumers...
  • Hot update of queue bindings (thread-safe)
  • Optional retry queue on message rejection
  • Optional dead letter queue on message rejection
  • Optional deferred message consumption

How to

During your tests, feel free to restart Rabbitmq. This library will reconnect automatically.


import pubsub "github.com/samber/go-amqp-pubsub"

conn, err := pubsub.NewConnection("connection-1", pubsub.ConnectionOptions{
    URI: "amqp://dev:dev@localhost:5672",
    Config: amqp.Config{
        Dial:      amqp.DefaultDial(time.Second),

// ...



import (
    pubsub "github.com/samber/go-amqp-pubsub"

// `err` can be ignored since it will connect lazily to rabbitmq
conn, err := pubsub.NewConnection("connection-1", pubsub.ConnectionOptions{
    URI: "amqp://dev:dev@localhost:5672",
    LazyConnection: mo.Some(true),

producer := pubsub.NewProducer(conn, "producer-1", pubsub.ProducerOptions{
    Exchange: pubsub.ProducerOptionsExchange{
        Name: "product.event",
        Kind: pubsub.ExchangeKindTopic,

err := producer.Publish(routingKey, false, false, amqp.Publishing{
    ContentType:  "application/json",
    DeliveryMode: amqp.Persistent,
    Body:         []byte(`{"hello": "world"}`),



import (
    pubsub "github.com/samber/go-amqp-pubsub"

// `err` can be ignore since it will connect lazily to rabbitmq
conn, err := pubsub.NewConnection("connection-1", pubsub.ConnectionOptions{
    URI: "amqp://dev:dev@localhost:5672",
    LazyConnection: mo.Some(true),

consumer := pubsub.NewConsumer(conn, "consumer-1", pubsub.ConsumerOptions{
    Queue: pubsub.ConsumerOptionsQueue{
        Name: "product.onEdit",
    Bindings: []pubsub.ConsumerOptionsBinding{
        {ExchangeName: "product.event", RoutingKey: "product.created"},
        {ExchangeName: "product.event", RoutingKey: "product.updated"},
    Message: pubsub.ConsumerOptionsMessage{
        PrefetchCount: mo.Some(100),
    EnableDeadLetter: mo.Some(true),     // will create a "product.onEdit.deadLetter" DL queue

for msg := range consumer.Consume() {
    lo.Try0(func() { // handle exceptions
        // ...


Consumer with pooling and batching

See examples/consumer-with-pool-and-batch.

Consumer with retry strategy

Retry architecture

See examples/consumer-with-retry.

3 retry strategies are available:

  • Exponential backoff
  • Constant interval
  • Lazy retry


Exponential backoff:

consumer := pubsub.NewConsumer(conn, "example-consumer-1", pubsub.ConsumerOptions{
    Queue: pubsub.ConsumerOptionsQueue{
        Name: "product.onEdit",
    // ...
    RetryStrategy:    mo.Some(pubsub.NewExponentialRetryStrategy(3, 3*time.Second, 2)), // will create a "product.onEdit.retry" queue

for msg := range consumer.Consume() {
    // ...
    msg.Reject(false)   // will retry 3 times with exponential backoff

Lazy retry:

consumer := pubsub.NewConsumer(conn, "example-consumer-1", pubsub.ConsumerOptions{
    Queue: pubsub.ConsumerOptionsQueue{
        Name: "product.onEdit",
    // ...
    RetryStrategy:    mo.Some(pubsub.NewLazyRetryStrategy(3)), // will create a "product.onEdit.retry" queue

for msg := range consumer.Consume() {
    // ...
	err := json.Unmarshal(body, &object)
    if err != nil {
        // retry is not necessary

    // ...

    err = sql.Exec(query)
    if err != nil {
        // retry on network error
        pubsub.RejectWithRetry(msg, 10*time.Second)

    // ...

Custom retry strategy

Custom strategies can be provided to the consumer.

type MyCustomRetryStrategy struct {}

func NewMyCustomRetryStrategy() RetryStrategy {
	return &MyCustomRetryStrategy{}

func (rs *MyCustomRetryStrategy) NextBackOff(msg *amqp.Delivery, attempts int) (time.Duration, bool) {
    // retries every 10 seconds, until message get older than 5 minutes
    if msg.Timestamp.Add(5*time.Minute).After(time.Now()) {
        return 10 * time.Second, true

    return time.Duration{}, false


On retry, the message is published into the retry queue then is acked from the initial queue. This 2 phases delivery is unsafe, since connection could drop during operation. With the ConsistentRetry policy, the steps will be embbeded into a transaction. Use it carefully because the delivery rate will be reduced by an order of magnitude.

consumer := pubsub.NewConsumer(conn, "example-consumer-1", pubsub.ConsumerOptions{
    Queue: pubsub.ConsumerOptionsQueue{
        Name: "product.onEdit",
    // ...
    RetryStrategy:    mo.Some(pubsub.NewExponentialRetryStrategy(3, 3*time.Second, 2)),
    RetryConsistency: mo.Some(pubsub.ConsistentRetry),

Defer message consumption

See examples/consumer-with-delay.

On publishing, the first consumption of the message can be delayed. The message will instead be sent to the .defer queue, expire, and then go to the initial queue.

consumer := pubsub.NewConsumer(conn, "example-consumer-1", pubsub.ConsumerOptions{
    Queue: pubsub.ConsumerOptionsQueue{
        Name: "product.onEdit",
    // ...
    Defer:            mo.Some(5 * time.Second),

Run examples

# run rabbitmq
docker-compose up rabbitmq
# run producer
cd examples/producer/
go mod download
go run main.go --rabbitmq-uri amqp://dev:dev@localhost:5672
# run consumer
cd examples/consumer/
go mod download
go run main.go --rabbitmq-uri amqp://dev:dev@localhost:5672

Then trigger network failure, by restarting rabbitmq:

docker-compose restart rabbitmq

🤝 Contributing

Don't hesitate ;)

# Install some dev dependencies
make tools

# Run tests
make test
# or
make watch-test


  • Connection pooling (eg: 10 connections, 100 channels per connection)
  • Better documentation
  • Testing + CI
  • BatchPublish + PublishWithConfirmation + BatchPublishWithConfirmation

👤 Contributors


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📝 License

Copyright © 2023 Samuel Berthe.

This project is MIT licensed.