
Charitable website built in Node.js

Primary LanguageHTML


Charitable website built in Node.js

This website is built with following technologies:

  • Node.js
  • Express
  • MongoDb
  • Passport for facebook authentication
  • Email communication with client through nodemailer module
  • Creditcard module to validate payment options
  • EJS templating engine
  • Grunt for built
  • pre-css, cssnext, cssnano, autoprefixer.

Steps to run the project:

  1. Install node and all the dependencies including devDependencies.
  2. Create an .env file inside the main project directory if not present already.
DB_URL= insert your value here
USER_THANKS= insert your value here
PASSWORD_THANKS= insert your value here
USER_CONTACT= insert your value here
PASSWORD_CONTACT= insert your value here
FB_CLIENTID= insert your value here
FB_CLIENTSECRET= insert your value here 
  1. Run command, once you are inside the project directory.

Sudo npm run dev

  1. Now you can check the project on the localhost:3000/

NOTE- you can read the userDocs and devDocs to understand the overall structure of the website