
Python interface to the C2Ray radiative transfer code

Primary LanguagePython

pyc2ray: A Python-wrapped and GPU-accelerated Update of C2Ray

pyc2ray is a Python package that wraps C2Ray (G. Mellema, I.T. Illiev, A. Alvarez and P.R. Shapiro), a radiative transfer code widely used for cosmic epoch of reionization simulations, and makes its usage accessible and modular through python.

The core subroutines of C2Ray are implemented in compiled Fortran 90 and accessed as an extension module built using f2py. The other aspects of the RT simulation, such as configuration, I/O, cosmology, source modelling, etc. are implemented in pure python and are thus easily tweakable for a specific purpose.

In addition, the computationally most expensive step of the RT simulation, namely the raytracing, has been modified to be GPU-parallelizable. This updated algorithm, called ASORA, is written in CUDA C++ as a python extension module. When no GPU is available, a CPU raytracing method is available as a fallback option.



  • f2py, provided by Numpy
  • gfortran compiler
  • CUDA and the nvcc compiler (Optional, for the accelerated raytracing library)

Build Instructions

To build the required extension modules, pyc2ray uses the Meson build system, which automatically identifies the platform-specific settings to compile source files. The recommended method to install pyc2ray is by using pip directly on the repo, simply run

pip install git+https://github.com/phirling/PC2R.git -v

The -v flag is optional but prints additional information on the build process, and helps in identifying errors. Pip will install all the necessary build dependencies (including meson) and run meson compile on all the required targets, finally installing the package at the correct location. We recommend installing pyc2ray inside a virtual environment.

meson will automatically detect if a CUDA compiler is available on the system and will only build the ASORA raytracing extension module if this is the case. When ASORA cannot be built, pyc2ray can still be used but only using the CPU RT methods. In this situation, a warning will be printed upon importing the package to inform the user that ASORA is unavailable.

Configure Build

Developers may find it useful to tweak the build process. In particular, setting the appropriate build flags for the CUDA extension module can yield significant performance improvements. As an example, its possible to set the gpu-architecture flag of the nvcc compiler directly by appending the following to the above pip command:

pip install git+https://github.com/phirling/PC2R.git -v --config-settings=setup-args="-Dgpu-architecture=sm_60"

where in this example we set the architecture to sm_60 (the default value, appropriate for e.g. a P100 GPU). To get a list of all available meson settings, clone the repository and then run meson configure without any arguments. To learn how to set these options via pip, please refer to the following docs of meson-python: Use build config settings and Passing arguments to Meson.

Run a Test

To see if the package works as expected, a series of tests are available in the test directory. In particular, we recommend running

python 2_multisource.py --gpu --plot

Where the --gpu flag can be omitted to use the CPU (serial) raytracing module. After 10 timesteps (which should take less than a minute to run), you should see a dice-like pattern of 5 ionized regions.


A detailed documentation isn't yet available, but example scripts can be found in the example/ directory of this repository.

The general usage principle of pyc2ray is that:

  1. A full C2Ray simulation can be configured and run using subclasses of the pyc2ray.C2Ray() class along with a parameter file.
  2. The individual components can also be used in a standalone way as module functions.

Directories Guide

  • pyc2ray: Python package directory
  • examples: Contains example scripts that showcase the usage of pyc2ray
  • src: Sources for the extension modules:
    • c2ray: Fortran sources adapted from the original C2Ray source code
    • octa: C++/CUDA sources for the ASORA library
  • test: Scripts to be run during development to check that the code produces the same output as a given benchmark