Cocktail Hour

Cocktail Hour is a simple, quick way to find recipes for your favorite cocktails by name or discover a new cocktail you can make with the ingredients in your fridge or pantry. If you don't see your favorite drink on the site, share it with the rest of us using the Create a Drink form.

See Cocktail Hour live here


  • Backend: Python / Flask / SQLAlchemy / PostgresSQL
  • Frontend: React / Redux
  • Secure User Authentication using JSON Web Tokens and Bcrypt hashing
  • Boto3 in conjunction with AWS for image hosting

Main Features

  1. Smooth user login/sign up flow using Modals
  2. Share your favorite cocktail recipes and images with others
  3. Search for drinks by ingredients or by name
  4. Favorite/unfavorite cocktail recipes to easily find them again later

Screen Views

Home Page

Home Page

A simple, lightweight design ensures snappy responsiveness at all points in the application

Signin Modal

Sign In

Users can easily sign in or create an account, or use the Guest Login if they're just browsing

Create Drink Form

Create Drink

Adding your favorite drink is easy, plus the preview allows you to see what the final Recipe Card will look like before you upload.


Search By Name

Users can use the search by name form anywhere on the site, and it will immediately redirect them to their search results. Plus search suggestions as users type to hasten the process.

Search By Ingredient

Users can search by Ingredients using a combination of drop-down and checkbox menus. The search will yield results of drinks including any combination of the selected ingredients.

Deploy to Heroku

  1. Push docker container to heroku (this will build the dockerfile, and push)
$ heroku container:push web -a cocktailhours
  1. Release docker container to heroku
$ heroku container:release web -a cocktailhours
  1. set up database:
    $ heroku run python -m database -a cocktailhours