
Project for Node API 1 Module

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION

Node API 1 Project Starter Code


  • Building a RESTful API.
  • Performing CRUD operations.
  • Writing API endpoints.


Task 1: Project Setup

  • Fork and Clone this repository.
  • CD into the folder where you cloned the repository.

Task 2a: MVP

Use Node.js and Express to build an API that performs CRUD operations on users.

  • Add a .gitignore file appropriate for node.js projects.
  • Add a new package.json.
  • Add a server script to package.json that runs the API using nodemon.

Write endpoints

Add the code necessary to create a Web API and implement the following endpoints:

Method URL Description
POST /api/users Creates a user using the information sent inside the request body.
GET /api/users Returns an array users.
GET /api/users/:id Returns the user object with the specified id.
DELETE /api/users/:id Removes the user with the specified id and returns the deleted user.
PUT /api/users/:id Updates the user with the specified id using data from the request body. Returns the modified user

User Schema

Each User resource should conform to the following structure (AKA schema):

  id: "a_unique_id", // hint: use the shortid npm package to generate it
  name: "Jane Doe", // String, required
  bio: "Not Tarzan's Wife, another Jane",  // String, required

Endpoint Specifications

When the client makes a POST request to /api/users:

  • If the request body is missing the name or bio property:

    • respond with HTTP status code 400 (Bad Request).
    • return the following JSON response: { errorMessage: "Please provide name and bio for the user." }.
  • If the information about the user is valid:

    • save the new user the the database.
    • respond with HTTP status code 201 (Created).
    • return the newly created user document.
  • If there's an error while saving the user:

    • respond with HTTP status code 500 (Server Error).
    • return the following JSON object: { errorMessage: "There was an error while saving the user to the database" }.

When the client makes a GET request to /api/users:

  • If there's an error in retrieving the users from the database:
    • respond with HTTP status code 500.
    • return the following JSON object: { errorMessage: "The users information could not be retrieved." }.

When the client makes a GET request to /api/users/:id:

  • If the user with the specified id is not found:

    • respond with HTTP status code 404 (Not Found).
    • return the following JSON object: { message: "The user with the specified ID does not exist." }.
  • If there's an error in retrieving the user from the database:

    • respond with HTTP status code 500.
    • return the following JSON object: { errorMessage: "The user information could not be retrieved." }.

When the client makes a DELETE request to /api/users/:id:

  • If the user with the specified id is not found:

    • respond with HTTP status code 404 (Not Found).
    • return the following JSON object: { message: "The user with the specified ID does not exist." }.
  • If there's an error in removing the user from the database:

    • respond with HTTP status code 500.
    • return the following JSON object: { errorMessage: "The user could not be removed" }.

When the client makes a PUT request to /api/users/:id:

  • If the user with the specified id is not found:

    • respond with HTTP status code 404 (Not Found).
    • return the following JSON object: { message: "The user with the specified ID does not exist." }.
  • If the request body is missing the name or bio property:

    • respond with HTTP status code 400 (Bad Request).
    • return the following JSON response: { errorMessage: "Please provide name and bio for the user." }.
  • If there's an error when updating the user:

    • respond with HTTP status code 500.
    • return the following JSON object: { errorMessage: "The user information could not be modified." }.
  • If the user is found and the new information is valid:

    • update the user document in the database using the new information sent in the request body.
    • respond with HTTP status code 200 (OK).
    • return the newly updated user document.

Task 2b: Exit Ticket

Once you begin, you will have 15 minutes to answer the questions here.

The completion of these questions is mandatory for MVP. However, passing the quiz doesn't affect your standing as a Lambda School student whatsoever. This is Lambda School testing itself! Please answer honestly and to the best of your ability without using external references.

Task 3: Stretch Problems

To work on the stretch problems you'll need to enable the cors middleware. Follow these steps:

  • add the cors npm module: npm i cors.
  • add server.use(cors()) after server.use(express.json()).

Create a new React application and connect it to your server:

  • the React application can be anywhere, but, for this project create it inside the folder for the solution.
  • connect to the /api/users endpoint in the API and show the list of users.
  • add a delete button to each displayed user that will remove it from the server.
  • add forms to add and update data.
  • Style the list of users however you see fit.

Submission Format

  • Submit a Pull-Request to merge <firstName-lastName> Branch into main (student's Repo). Please don't merge your own pull request
  • Fill out your module retrospective form here with a link to your PR