An index of Pokémon, built as a client-side JavaScript webapp. Powered by ServiceWorker, PouchDB, virtual-dom, and web workers.
This site uses data provided by PokéAPI. To build up the database, you'll need to run:
./node_modules/.bin/babel-node bin/build-monsters-database.js
./node_modules/.bin/babel-node bin/build-descriptions-database.js
./node_modules/.bin/babel-node ... # there are several of these
Some of the build scripts pull from src/js/shared/data
(which contains some files that I had to build myself by scraping Bulbapedia), whereas the main ones pull from the live PokeAPI. (I never got the local PokeAPI working correctly, so I just pulled from the remote.)
Start a dev server on localhost:9000:
npm run serve
To disable ServiceWorker:
NODE_ENV=testing npm run serve
npm run build
This will write files to www/
Thanks to PokeAPI and Bulbapedia for the Pokémon data, and of course to Nintendo, Game Freak, and The Pokémon Company for making such an awesome series of games.