
Fetcher library for the Nestia

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Renamed to @nestia/fetcher

Nestia Fetcher

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nestia-fetcher is a fetcher library for the Nestia.

When you build an SDK (Software Development Kit) library interacting with remote HTTP server through the Nestia, the SDK library would be dependent on this nestia-fetcher. Therefore, if you publish the SDK library on the NPM module, you have to add this nestia-fetcher in the dependencies field of the package.json.

Also, if you're a client developer who've installed an SDK library which has been generated by the Nestia, you also need to install this nestia-fetcher module. With the IConnection and HttpError instances provided this nestia-fetcher, you can enjoy the SDK library much conveniently.



When you build an SDK library who've been generated by the Nestia, you have to add this nestia-fetcher in the dependencies field of the package.json. If your project had installed the Nestia, you can write the dependencies' property by writing the npx nestia install command on your console.

  "name": "payments-server-api",
  "dependencies": {
    "nestia-fetcher": "^1.0.0"

SDK Library

Opening the SDK library source file who've been generated by the Nestia, you can find the SDK library is importing this nestia-fetcher module in every functional files. Therefore, I repeat that you have to put this nestia-fetcher down into the dependencies field of the package.json.

import { Fetcher, IConnection, Primitive } from "nestia-fetcher";

 * 결제 내역 발행하기.
 * @param connection connection information
 * @param input 결제 내역 입력 정보
 * @returns 결제 내역
 * @nestia Generated by Nestia - https://github.com/samchon/nestia
 * @controller PaymentHistoriesController.store()
 * @path POST /histories
export function store
        connection: IConnection,
        input: Primitive<store.Input>
    ): Promise<store.Output>
    return Fetcher.fetch
export namespace store
    export type Input = Primitive<IPaymentHistory.IStore>;
    export type Output = Primitive<IPaymentHistory>;

    export const METHOD = "POST" as const;
    export const PATH: string = "/histories";
    export const CONFIG: IConnection.IEncrypted = {
        input_encrypted: true,
        output_encrypted: true,

    export function path(): string
        return `/histories`;

Utilization Code

After you've published the SDK library and let client developers to install the SDK library, the client developers would import this nestia-fetcher module, too. They would utilize the IConnection and HttpError instances like below.

import payments from "payments-server-api";
import { IPaymentHistory } from "payments-server-api/lib/structures/IPaymentHistory";
import { IConnection, HttpError } from "nestia-fetcher";

export async function main(): Promise<void>
    const connection: IConnection = {
        host: "http://payments.somewhere.com",
        encryption: {
            key: "SqwHmmXm1fZteI3URPtoyBWFJDMQ7FBQ",
            iv: "9eSfjygAClnE1JJs"

        const input: IPaymentHistory.IStore = { ...SOME_DATA };
        const history: IPaymentHistory = await payments.functional.histories.store
    catch (exp)
        // HTTP-ERRROR
        if (exp instanceof HttpError)