PICO-8 Library of Utility Classes

Primary LanguageLua

PICO-8 Library of Utility Classes

Table of Contents

  1. vec
  2. timer


A vector class adapted from hump.vector. Note that every function except for the constructor should be called from an instance of a vector.


  • (number) x - The x-coordinate of the vector
  • (number) y - The y-coordinate of the vector


  • Operators

    The +,-,*,/, and unary - operators are supported and provide standard vector arithmetic.

  • vec.new(x, y)

    The constructor for a vector object.

    Arguments: (numbers) x,y

    Returns: (vector) A new vector object

  • vec:to_str()

    A debugging function to view the vector. Exists because PICO-8 does not support the tostring() metamethod.

    Returns: (string) A string representation of the vector

  • vec:len()

    Returns: (number) The length of the vector

  • vec:dist(other)

    Arguments: (vector) other

    Returns: (number) The distance between the base vector and the argument vector

  • vec:clone()

    Returns: (vector) A copy of the base vector

  • vec:normi()

    Normalizes the vector in-place, mutating the original.

    Returns: (vector) Normalizes the base vector, then returns itself

  • vec:norm()

    Returns: (vector) Returns a normalized version of the base vector


A stopwatch class that functions like an egg timer


  • (number) ti - Short for "ticks, initial." The amount of ticks that the timer will run for.
  • (number) fi - Short for "frames, initial." The amount of frames that a "tick" will last for.
  • (number) t - Short for "tick." The amount of ticks that the timer has remaining before stopping.
  • (number) f - Short for "frame." The amount of frames that the timer has remaining before decrementing a tick.
  • (boolean) done - Whether the timer is running or not


  • timer.new(ti, fi)

    The constructor for a timer object. Creating a timer does not start its countdown. To start a timer you must call timer:reset()

    Arguments: (numbers) ti, fi (defaults to ti=0, fi=1 if no arguments are provided)

    Returns: (vector) A new vector object

  • timer:reset()

    Resets the timers tick and frame

    Returns: (vector) The current tick of the timer (which will be ti)

  • timer:update()

    Tells the timer that a frame has passed so it can adjust its tick accordingly.

    Returns: (number) The current tick of the timer

  • timer:pause()

    Pauses the timer

  • timer:resume()

    Resumes the timer if paused