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STEPS To Fork, Clone and Work [Add and Commit] on this Repository

Step 1. Click on the fork button on the upper right-hand side of the Repo page.

Step 2. Go-to your github page and click on the forked repository. Navigate to clone and copy the URL.

Step 3. On your terminal, type:

git clone url (paste the url you copied & hit enter)

After cloning the Repo, click on:

git checkout -b "ft-username" (to create your branch)

Step 4. Add your contribution using :

git add .

Step 5. Commit your changes using

git commit -m "feat: username added"

Step 6. Push your changes using:

git push origin

Note: If it's a bug fix, use "bug:message" for branch and commit message


Step 1: After pushing your commit to github, navigate to your repository page on github where you pushed your commit.

Step 2: At the top part of the page you should see a dropdown section titled ‘Branch:main; select in the dropdown, the branch that contains your commits. The default is usually the main branch.

Step 3: To the right of the branch menu, you would see a button ‘New Pull Request’; click on the button. This should take you to the original page i.e the page of the repository that you forked from.

Step 4: Scroll down the page, click on the green button titled ‘Create pull request’. Type in a title and a description for your pull request. Once you are done inputting your title and description, click on create pull request. This should create a pull request for you, all you have to do is wait to be merged.

Note: When creating branch

You should name the branch you are creating the same name of the page you are creating