
Postrr is micro-blog platform api where users can login, register, create or read or update or delete posts. Users can also follow other users posts, like posts and comment. Built with Laravel

Primary LanguagePHP


Postrr is a REST API server for a micro-blogging platform

Logged users can make and delete post, follow other users, like and comment on other post.

Live demo

postrr-coded.herokuapp.com/api (Hosted on Heroku)


Built with Laravel 8, Postgres SQL and Laravel Santum for Authentication Tokens used for protected routes

API Documentation

Full API Documentation (Hosted on Postman) With Examples


#  Headers
Accept: application/json

# Public

POST   /api/login
@body: email, password

POST   /api/register
@body: name, email, username, password, password_confirmation, bio

# Protected (Needs Bearer Token)

POST   /api/logout - logout

GET   /api/user - get current user

GET   /api/user/all - get all users

GET   /api/user/{user_id} - get user by id

POST   /api/follow/{user_id} - toggle follow a user

GET   /api/user/{user_id}/followers - users followers

GET   /api/user/{user_id}/following - users following

GET   /api/posts - get all posts

POST   /api/posts  - create a post
@body: body

GET   /api/posts/{post_id} - get post by id

PUT   /api/posts/{post_id}  - update post
@body: body

DELETE   /api/posts/{post_id} - delete a post

GET   /api/posts/search/{searchTerm} - search posts by searchTerm

GET   /api/user/{user_id}/posts - users posts

GET   /api/user/{user_id}/followings/posts - user's following posts

POST   /api/posts/{post_id}/like -toggle likes

GET   /api/posts/{post_id}/likes -get post likes

POST   /api/posts/{post_id}/comments - create comment
@body: body

GET   /api/posts/{post_id}/comments - get comments

GET   /api/comments/{comment_id} - get comment

PUT   /api/comments/{comment_id} - update comment
@body: body

DELETE   /api/comments/{comment_id} - delete comment


To create all the nessesary tables and columns, run the following

php artisan migrate


Change the .env.example to .env and add your database info

Running Then App

Upload the files to your document root

php artisan serve


Samuel Anozie