
Easy to use and visually stunning calendar component for React Native.

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Easy to use and visually stunning calendar component for React Native.

<CalendarStrip> is a React Native component designed to replace the standard date picker component. It supports iOS & Android and responsively sizes its height based on its container width. It gracefully resizes for portrait and landscape orientations and virtually all display resolutions.

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Just use the standard npm installation

npm install react-native-calendar-strip --save


You can see the examples in \example folder of this repo.

Simple "out of the box" usage

You can use this component without any styling or customization. Just import it in your project and render it:

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';

import CalendarStrip from 'react-native-calendar-strip';

class Example extends Component {
    render() {
        return (

AppRegistry.registerComponent('Example', () => Example);

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Styling and animations

Even though this component works withouth any customization, it is possible to customize almost everything, so you can make it as beautiful as you want:

import React, {Component} from 'react';
import {
} from 'react-native';
import moment from 'moment';

import CalendarStrip from 'react-native-calendar-strip';

class Example extends Component {
    let datesWhitelist = [{
      start: moment(),
      end: moment.add(3, 'days')  // total 4 days enabled
    let datesBlacklist = [ moment.add(1, 'days') ]; // 1 day disabled

    render() {
        return (
                    calendarAnimation={{type: 'sequence', duration: 30}}
                    daySelectionAnimation={{type: 'border', duration: 200, borderWidth: 1, borderHighlightColor: 'white'}}
                    style={{height: 100, paddingTop: 20, paddingBottom: 10}}
                    calendarHeaderStyle={{color: 'white'}}
                    dateNumberStyle={{color: 'white'}}
                    dateNameStyle={{color: 'white'}}
                    highlightDateNumberStyle={{color: 'yellow'}}
                    highlightDateNameStyle={{color: 'yellow'}}
                    disabledDateNameStyle={{color: 'grey'}}
                    disabledDateNumberStyle={{color: 'grey'}}
                    iconContainer={{flex: 0.1}}

AppRegistry.registerComponent('Example', () => Example);

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Props / API

This is the list of all the props you can pass to the component so that you can customize it:

Initial data and onDateSelected handler
  • startingDate: PropTypes.any - Date to be used for centering the calendar/showing the week based on that date. It is internaly wrapped by moment so it accepts both Date and moment Date.
  • selectedDate: PropTypes.any - Date to be used as pre selected Date. It is internaly wrapped by moment so it accepts both Date and moment Date.
  • onDateSelected: PropTypes.func - Function to be used as a callback when a date is selected. It returns moment Date
  • onWeekChanged: PropTypes.func - Function to be used as a callback when a week is changed. It returns moment Date
  • useIsoWeekday: PropTypes.bool - start week on ISO day of week (default true). If false, starts week on startingDate parameter.
  • minDate: PropTypes.any - minimum date that the calendar may navigate to. A week is allowed if minDate falls within the current week.
  • maxDate: PropTypes.any - maximum date that the calendar may navigate to. A week is allowed if maxDate falls within the current week.
  • datesWhitelist: PropTypes.array - Dates that are enabled (accepts both Date and moment Date). Ranges may be specified with an object entry in the array:
// Date range format
    start: (Date or moment Date)
    end: (Date or moment Date)

This may be overridden by datesBlacklist.

  • datesBlacklist: PropTypes.array - Dates that are disabled. Same format as datesWhitelist. This overrides dates in datesWhitelist.
Show or hide components
  • showMonth: PropTypes.bool - Show (default true) or hide (false) the month label.
  • showDate: PropTypes.bool - Show (default true) or hide (false) all the dates.
  • showDayName: PropTypes.bool - Show (default true) or hide (false) the day name label.
  • showDayNumber: PropTypes.bool - Show (default true) or hide (false) the day number label.
Top level style
  • style: PropTypes.any - Style for the top level CalendarStrip component
  • innerStyle: PropTypes.any - Style for the responsively sized inner view. This is necessary to account for padding/margin from the top level view. The inner view has style flex:1 by default. If this component is nested within another dynamically sized container, remove the flex style by passing in [].
Responsive sizing
  • maxDayComponentSize: PropTypes.number - (default 80) Maximum size that CalendarDay will responsively size up to.
  • minDayComponentSize: PropTypes.number - (default 10) Minimum size that CalendarDay will responsively size down to.
  • iconLeft: PropTypes.any - Icon to be used for the left icon. It accepts require statement with url to the image (require('./img/icon.png')), or object with remote uri {uri: 'http://example.com/image.png'}
  • iconRight: PropTypes.any - Icon to be used for the right icon. It accepts require statement with url to the image (require('./img/icon.png')), or object with remote uri {uri: 'http://example.com/image.png'}
  • iconStyle: PropTypes.any - Style that is applied to both left and right icons. It is applied before iconLeftStyle or iconLeftStyle.
  • iconLeftStyle: PropTypes.any - Style for left icon. It will override all of the other styles applied to icons.
  • iconRightStyle: PropTypes.any - Style for right icon. It will override all of the other styles applied to icons.
  • iconContainer: PropTypes.any - Style for the container of icons. (Example usage is to add flex property to it so in the portrait mode, it will shrink the dates strip)
  • leftSelector: PropTypes.any - Component for the left selector control. May be an instance of any React component. This overrides the icon* props above. Passing in an empty array [] hides this control.
  • rightSelector: PropTypes.any - same as above but for the right selector control.
Header style and formatting
  • calendarHeaderStyle: PropTypes.any - Style for the header text of the calendar.
  • calendarHeaderFormat: PropTypes.string - Format for the header text of the calendar. For options, refere to moments documentation
Date name and number styling
  • dateNameStyle: PropTypes.any - Style for the name of the day on work days in dates strip.

  • dateNumberStyle: PropTypes.any - Style for the number of the day on work days in dates strip.

  • weekendDateNameStyle: PropTypes.any - Style for the name of the day on weekend days in dates strip.

  • weekendDateNumberStyle: PropTypes.any - Style for the number of the day on weekend days in dates strip.

  • styleWeekend: PropTypes.bool - (default true) Whether to style weekend dates separately.

  • highlightDateNameStyle: PropTypes.any - Style for the selected name of the day in dates strip.

  • highlightDateNumberStyle: PropTypes.any - Style for the selected number of the day in dates strip.

  • disabledDateNameStyle: PropTypes.any - Style for disabled name of the day in dates strip (controlled by datesWhitelist & datesBlacklist).

  • disabledDateNumberStyle: PropTypes.any - Style for disabled number of the day in dates strip (controlled by datesWhitelist & datesBlacklist).

  • disabledDateOpacity: PropTypes.number - (default 0.3) Opacity of disabled dates strip.

  • customDatesStyles: PropTypes.array - Custom per-date styling, overriding the styles above. Object format:

    • startDate: anything parseable by Moment.
    • endDate: (optional) specify a range. If no endDate is supplied, startDate is treated as a single date.
    • dateNameStyle: (optional, see above)
    • dateNumberStyle: (optional, see above)
    • dateContainerStyle: (optional highlight style)

Custom date styling example


let customDatesStyles = [];
let startDate = moment();
for (let i=0; i<6; i++) {
      startDate: startDate.clone().add(i, 'days'), // Single date since no endDate provided
      dateNameStyle: {styles.someDateNameStyle},
      dateNumberStyle: {styles.someDateNumberStyle},
      // Random color...
      dateContainerStyle: {{backgroundColor: '#'+('#00000'+(Math.random()*(1<<24)|0).toString(16)).slice(-6)}},

render() {
  return (

The week strip and day selection have configurable opacity animations. If they are not specified in the props, by default the animations are disabled.

Week strip animation

  • calendarAnimation: PropTypes.object - options for animating the week.
  • type: sequence or parallel
  • duration: duration of animation in milliseconds.

Sequence example (dates shown one by one):

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Parallel example (dates shown all at once):

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Day selection animation

  • daySelectionAnimation: PropTypes.object -
  • type: border or background. 'border' animates a circular border around a date. 'background' animates the background of the date.
  • duration: duration of animation in milliseconds.
  • borderWidth: PropTypes.number - Selected day's border width. Required if the type is set to border.
  • borderHighlightColor: PropTypes.string - Selected day's border color. Required if the type is set to border.
  • highlightColor: PropTypes.string - Highlighted color of selected date. Required if the type is set to background.
  • animType, animUpdateType, animProperty, and animSpringDamping are optional config options passed to LayoutAnimation

Border example:

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If you chose the background type of animation, the selected date will animate the circular background color from calendarColor to daySelectionAnimation.highlightColor. That is why, when this type is chosen, you have to define both of these colors.

  • calendarColor: PropTypes.string - Background color of the whole calendar strip. !important This is also the color of the circular background of the date so that highlighting the date will appear 'from background'. The top level style of this component can override this property.

Background example:

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  • locale: PropTypes.object - Locale for dates

This prop is used for adding localization to react-native-calendar-strip component. The localization rules are the same as moments and can be found in moments documentation

The locale object has two properties:

  • name - String - The name of the locale (ex. 'fr')
  • config - Object - The config object holding all of the localization strings.

Example of one locale object is:

const locale = {
            name: 'fr',
            config: {
                months : "Janvier_Février_Mars_Avril_Mai_Juin_Juillet_Août_Septembre_Octobre_Novembre_Décembre".split("_"),
                monthsShort : "Janv_Févr_Mars_Avr_Mai_Juin_Juil_Août_Sept_Oct_Nov_Déc".split("_"),
                weekdays : "Dimanche_Lundi_Mardi_Mercredi_Jeudi_Vendredi_Samedi".split("_"),
                weekdaysShort : "Dim_Lun_Mar_Mer_Jeu_Ven_Sam".split("_"),
                weekdaysMin : "Di_Lu_Ma_Me_Je_Ve_Sa".split("_"),
                longDateFormat : {
                    LT : "HH:mm",
                    LTS : "HH:mm:ss",
                    L : "DD/MM/YYYY",
                    LL : "D MMMM YYYY",
                    LLL : "D MMMM YYYY LT",
                    LLLL : "dddd D MMMM YYYY LT"
                calendar : {
                    sameDay: "[Aujourd'hui à] LT",
                    nextDay: '[Demain à] LT',
                    nextWeek: 'dddd [à] LT',
                    lastDay: '[Hier à] LT',
                    lastWeek: 'dddd [dernier à] LT',
                    sameElse: 'L'
                relativeTime : {
                    future : "dans %s",
                    past : "il y a %s",
                    s : "quelques secondes",
                    m : "une minute",
                    mm : "%d minutes",
                    h : "une heure",
                    hh : "%d heures",
                    d : "un jour",
                    dd : "%d jours",
                    M : "un mois",
                    MM : "%d mois",
                    y : "une année",
                    yy : "%d années"
                ordinalParse : /\d{1,2}(er|ème)/,
                ordinal : function (number) {
                    return number + (number === 1 ? 'er' : 'ème');
                meridiemParse: /PD|MD/,
                isPM: function (input) {
                    return input.charAt(0) === 'M';
                // in case the meridiem units are not separated around 12, then implement
                // this function (look at locale/id.js for an example)
                // meridiemHour : function (hour, meridiem) {
                //     return /* 0-23 hour, given meridiem token and hour 1-12 */
                // },
                meridiem : function (hours, minutes, isLower) {
                    return hours < 12 ? 'PD' : 'MD';
                week : {
                    dow : 1, // Monday is the first day of the week.
                    doy : 4  // The week that contains Jan 4th is the first week of the year.

Methods may be accessed through the instantiated component's ref.

  • getSelectedDate() : Returns the currently selected date. If no date is selected, returns undefined.
  • setSelectedDate(date) : Sets the selected date. date may be a Moment object, ISO8601 date string, or any format that Moment is able to parse. It is the responsibility of the caller to select a date that makes sense (e.g. within the current week view). Passing in a value of 0 effectively clears the selected date.
  • getNextWeek() : Advance to the next week.
  • getPreviousWeek() : Rewind to the previous week.
  • updateWeekView(date, startDate) : Show the week that includes the date param. If startDate is provided, the first day of the week resets to it as long as useIsoWeekday is false.


  • Add unit tests
  • Add Travis CI integration
  • Implement week view, which should show weeks in a month rather than days, so that you select the whole week
  • Add a month and a year selection in a form of a popup