
Teleportation to the Planets shall be done by an entity that is posistioned in global cell space. - Teleport to planet's cells which is where the "environment is"

  1. Player Classes a. Player Models: male 01-19, medic01-15, Should create some menus at a later point
  2. Infinite Maps
  3. Planets
  4. Facepunch POC

It is the far far in the future, The Combine have long since been pushed off Earth and Humanity has spread across the stars, discovering new planets, species and materials. Gordan Freeman is a legend passed on generation to generation.

You select your race A shop keeper talks to you, lends you money, discusses the common roles that people do. > Pirate - Steal Ships and their precious materials, Rob the (AI) shopkeeper, > Miner - Searches the galaxy for rare materials found on distant planets and asteroids. > Transporter - Transports goods from planet to planet, selling the goods from one shop keeper to another > Colonisation - Colonises the classically uninhabitable planets, establishing new bases for your race\faction. But be careful of pirates. You will have to deal with transporters to get materials to your planet to attract shopkeepers > "Police\Bounty Hunter" - There are no real interglatic police as the three races fight about everything - this has allowed pirates to roam free, harrassing everybody. > Shopkeepers - Compete with the AI Shopkeeper, selling materials to players and eventually, should you rise high enough, hire the AI shopkeepers. These roles are not assigned and the players could come up with their own ideas

Like DayZ there is a noteriaty system, as the pirates rob and kill people they attract the attention of angry merchants and other players. These other players can place bounties on the pirates( limited for anti-spam ). Crews are formed, equivalent of teams and thats the noteriaty system

Road map: POC\Alpha: > Infinte Space > Implementing Planets Alpha: > Environments > Gravity > Resource System(?) > Life Support > HUD \ GUI stuff Beta: > Player Weapons > Currency System > Gravity Hull System > Flying Ships, implement basic features for spaceships.. > Ship Core system - implements gravHull automatically as well as the system for the ship Release Candiate: > Mining System \ RP Elements > Shopkeeper V1: > Control Systems ("Wire") V2: >Weapons

Problems: Decal



-Garry'smod spacebuild project +Garry'smod spacebuild4 project + +Facepunch Forum Thread +SB4 GitHub Repo +Website +Snake's Website +Steam Community + +Planned core features: + +-Environment system including temperature and atmosphere.

  • Player will suffer adverse affects outside. Some machines like pumps and compressors will produce differently depending on environment.

+-Resource container system

  • Containers will hold resources
  • Ship may behave as a singular container, possibly connected to other 'welded' containers.
  • Pumps or mechanisms to transfer resources between containers.
  • Method to connect containers together, ideally by welding.

+-Resource sources: asteroids, mining things, pumps, compressors, other machines

  • Particular areas in the environment (possibly random) where machines work better/differently/at all

+-Resource sinks: costs to 'spawn' items. + +-Combat system including health of entities and damaging weapons + +-Cooperative and competitive objectives

  • Escape from a dying planet
  • Fight other player teams or factions
  • Defend against invading alien force
  • Protect planet from meteor/asteroid impact
  • Technology/Resource FFA race, be the richest man in the universe

+-Tiered progression

  • Get better machines, research more complicated technologies, outsmart your opponents with superior firepower.

+-Ships, Building, Gmod fun + +-Large world

  • Custom gravity to planets

Player Touches Planet Transport to Cell Insert into Planet Class