#Project Requirements:

  • When a game begins, there should be a random number generated between 1-100.
  • The user should have an input field where they can submit a guess.
  • After the user submits a guess, indicate whether their guess is 'hot' or 'cold'. Let the user know if they need to guess higher or lower.
  • Allow the user to guess only a certain amount of times. When they run out of guesses let them know the game is over. *Feel free to use prompts to get user input on your first version.
  • For the final version of your project, you'll need to create an HTML-based interface for getting user inputs and giving feedback on guesses.
  • Validate inputs that they are real numbers between 1-100.
  • Create a new game button that resets the game.
  • Store all of the guesses and create a way to check if the guess is a repeat.
  • Track the user's previous guess. Let them know if they are getting “hotter” or “colder” based on their previous guess.
  • Create a button that provides the answer (Give me a Hint).
  • Submit the guess by pressing enter or clicking the submit button.
  • After a user guesses a number keep a visual list of Hot and Cold answers that the user can see.
  • Change the background color, add an image, or do something creative when the user guesses the correct answer.