
Perl 6 ecosystem -- modules and more

Primary LanguagePerl

We, the module installer developers, hereby decree...

Too official? Ok, I'll go again.

In this repository you'll find metadata for projects and modules. It's nice to have that in a central place, apart from any specific module installer (cough proto neutro pls cough), for at least these three reasons:

  • The set of people who want access to a module installer and the set of people who want access to module metadata are two different sets.

  • If each installer has one set of metadata, that's more for everyone to keep updated. If it's in a central place, there's less work.

  • The list of projects in the ecosystem is really an orthogonal to the installer, or even an installer. It might be used for other things, such as rendering the list at http://modules.perl6.org

To add a new module to the ecosystem, add the URL of the module's raw META.info file to the META.list file here in the ecosystem. Since the updates to the ecosystem are announced in the #perl6 IRC channel, it is helpful if you include the HTTP URL to your repo in your commit message so others could easily view your new module, e.g.:

git commit -m 'Add FooBar to ecosystem' -m 'See https://github.com/foobar/FooBar'

So there you go. It probably bears repeating that all of this is quite temporary; something to sustain us until we can hook up with CPAN goodness in some more long-term way.

Have a nice day.

Common Errors

Some of these issues commonly occur. Be sure to check your distro:


  • Check that your META file contains valid JSON. To do so, you can use an online service, such as JSON Lint.
  • Ensure you have a provides section that lists all the modules in your distribution, with correct filenames, otherwise your module will not be installable.

There is a module Test::META that can help you detect some, but not all, of the common problems people have with the META files.

Generated File

After the META.list file is processed, the list of modules is available at http://ecosystem-api.p6c.org/projects.json. If your module is missing after about an hour since its addition, there may be issues with your META6.json file.


The operation of the ecosystem requires that we copy, distribute, and possibly modify your META file (META6.json or legacy META.info) in full or in part, or that we display information from that file on various websites and other systems. We can't always guarantee proper attribution, that copies are accurate, or that modifications do not inadvertently produce unintended results.

By submitting your module to the ecosystem, you agree that all entities involved in the operation of the ecosystem, including its testing, mirroring, or archiving, as well as any package installers and auxiliary tools, are allowed to copy, distribute, and modify your META file without limitation for the purposes of making your module available to the Perl 6 community—regardless of what license you choose for the rest of your distribution. You also agree not to hold these entities liable for any damage or inconvenience caused by the operation of the ecosystem or the failure to do so.