
The scriptkitties overlay for Gentoo, and Gentoo-like, systems.

Primary LanguageShell


Add this to /etc/portage/repos.conf/sk-overlay.conf.

location   = /usr/local/overlay/sk-overlay
sync-type  = git
sync-uri   = https://c.darenet.org/scriptkitties/overlay.git
auto-sync  = yes

/usr/local/overlay doesn't exist by default so create it if needed.

[ ! -d /usr/local/overlay ] && mkdir -p /usr/local/overlay

Finally you can update portage.

emerge --sync


Like all overlays, there are various methods of checking what the overlay contains. You could read through the git page, or you could go with the lazy alternative which uses app-portage/eix. First make sure your eix cache is up-to-date.


Then to search all ebuilds contained in this overlay, you can issue the following command:

eix --in-overlay sk-overlay

Too install from one of the ebuilds in sk-overlay, the installation process is exactly the same as all normal gentoo packages. For instance, if you want to install void-sources-bin, you could simply:

emerge -a void-sources-bin


If you find any issues, such as repackaged software being out of date, you can either open an issue or join the IRC channel and hit up the maintainer of the package. We reside on irc.darenet.org in #scriptkitties.


If you wish to contribute, you can always submit a MR on this repository. Our main activity happens around DareNET, but use of our git repositories on other services is fine too. It can take a bit longer to notice, but you can poke a maintainer on IRC to speed up the process.


There are some requirements your ebuild should adhere to in order to be considered for our overlay.

  • Your commits have to be signed.
  • The software installed by the ebuild must be released under a free license (any license in @FREE).
  • You must include a metadata.xml with contact information and descriptions of all USE flags in the ebuild.