Pinned issues
- 0
Do not tweet until project is verified
#85 opened by samdark - 0
Image cropping JS doesn't work
#72 opened by samdark - 5
Screenshot size
#43 opened - 1
Parse and display Alexa rank, use it for sorting
#32 opened by samdark - 4
Проверка доступности
#7 opened by brussens - 2
Advanced tags navigation
#18 opened by samdark - 3
Удаление профиля пользователя
#55 opened by s1lver - 1
- 2
Show only "global" sites on english version
#75 opened by IStranger - 6
Technology verification
#82 opened by samdark - 0
A page for admin listing duplicate websites
#81 opened by samdark - 0
- 0
Add "Yii 3.0" to filters dropdown
#79 opened by sandebert - 11
Automate website screenshots
#6 opened by brussens - 1
- 1
- 1
Image lazy load for speeds up web
#69 opened by dungphanxuan - 0
Move project to https
#63 opened by samdark - 4
Can not log in with github
#66 opened by rugabarbo - 3
Layout issue on project view page
#62 opened by SilverFire - 0
UX: upload screen issues
#60 opened by samdark - 2
Notify users by email about new comments
#52 opened by samdark - 0
Ability to delete comments
#56 opened by samdark - 2
- 1
Ability to edit user profile
#47 opened by samdark - 0
Ability to delete draft projects
#46 opened by samdark - 3
Automatically post to twitter
#35 opened by samdark - 1
- 1
Image management
#15 opened by samdark - 0
Projects grid is broken in Safari on Mac
#25 opened by samdark - 3
- 7
Professional design
#21 opened by samdark - 1
- 0
- 1
Title missing in create project page
#30 opened by devypt - 1
Выравнивание элементов по сетке
#27 opened by lex111 - 1
Cant upload image
#24 opened by Alex-Bond - 0
Use cropper for image uploads
#10 opened by samdark - 0
Autocomplete for tags
#17 opened by samdark - 1
Upload overlaps already uploaded image
#8 opened by samdark - 0
- 0
Project filter: only featured
#11 opened by samdark - 1
Grid is borked
#9 opened by samdark - 1
Project card design
#4 opened by samdark - 0
'Manage projects' => 'Упраление проектами',
#5 opened by mrhx - 1