
Implemented a Priority Queue in Different type of linear data structures in Java that follows total order relationship

Primary LanguageJava

Getting Started

Welcome to the Priority Queue repository. Here is a guideline to help you get started to understand this Data Structure. In this programming part, I implement a standard Priority Queue interface in JAVA 14 using Array and Doubly Linked list and then evaluate and compare their operational performance.

Storing a collection of prioritized elements, a Priority Queue is an ADT characterized as follows:

In general, the elements are ordered pairs1 (k,v) with key k prioritizing value v in the priority queue. It can store elements of any type, as long as the keys satisfy a total ordering relationship. It supports arbitrary insertions of elements. It allows the removal of the element that has highest priority.

In this program :

An element with the smallest key has the highest priority. if multiple elements have the same priority, then the removal process may arbitrary remove any of those elements.

It supports the following MyPQ<K,V> interface :

insert(k, v): Creates an entry (element) with key k and value v in the priority queue. min( ): Returns (but does not remove) a priority queue entry (k,v) having minimal key; returns null if the priority queue is empty. removeMin( ): Removes and returns an entry (k,v) having minimal key from the priority queue; returns null if the priority queue is empty. size( ): Returns the number of entries in the priority queue. isEmpty( ): Returns a boolean indicating whether the priority queue is empty.

Dependency Management

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