
Ansible role for running an NGINX gateway server

Primary LanguageJinja

NGINX Gateway

Configures nginx as a gateway to host static sites and reverse-proxy other ones. Supports per-site certificates, client certificate authentication (mutual TLS) and uses an NGINX config from nginxconfig.io.


  • You need to have your own certificate already

Role Variables

The role is configured by a big block of data describing all the sites you want to run. Currently sites can either be statically served by NGINX, or reverse-proxied somewhere else, such as a process bound to some port on locahost. The two types of site have the following main (required) options:

  - name: sample-static-site # A name used in a few comments/filenames etc. (Required)
    type: static # `static` or `proxy` - whether the site is just on disk, or a reverse proxy (Required)
    domain: demo.example.com # The domain the site should be served from - you'll have to sort DNS yourself (Required)
    root: /var/www-data/something # For a static site, this is the location that the site's files are served from
                                  # (Required for type: static)

  - name: sample-proxy-site # A name used in a few comments/filenames etc. (Required)
    type: proxy # `static` or `proxy` - whether the site is just on disk, or a reverse proxy (Required)
    domain: demo.example.com # The domain the site should be served from - you'll have to sort DNS yourself (Required)
    proxy_url: # URL to proxy requests to, either localhost or remote (Required for type `proxy`)

There are some additional options supported by both types of site:

  • use_by_default: Set this true for one site, to make it the one responded to by IP, Default: False
  • allow_insecure: Set this to allow the site to serve unencrypted (caution, security risk!). Default: False
  • client_ca_cert: Location of a CA cert that client certificates should be validated against - specifying makes client cert mandatory. Default: empty
  • disable_csp: Set to true to disable adding a default Content-Security-Policy header. Default: False
  • disable_security_headers: By default a set of headers are included from nginxconfig.io/security.conf to apply some opinionated security options, such as preventing access to dotfiles. Set this to turn those protections off if you need to. Default: False
  • extra_config: Any extra config lines to insert into this site's location block, although make sure you don't cause accidental security risks. Default: empty



Example Playbook

- hosts: servers
      - role: samdbmg.nginx-gateway
          server_cert: /etc/ssl/certs/server-chain.cert
          server_cert_key: /etc/ssl/private/server.key
              type: static
              domain: example.com
              root: /var/www-data
              type: proxy
              domain: irc.example.com
              proxy_url: http://localhost:8081
              client_ca_cert: /etc/client-ca.crt



Author Information

Sam Mesterton-Gibbons (@samdbmg)