
Data aquistion software for some Tektronix oscilloscopes

Primary LanguageC++

Tektronix Oscilloscope DAQ


This is a data acquisition program for Tektronics oscilloscopes. The software is written for these models:

  • TDS3054B
  • MDO3054 (untested)
  • DPO4104B (untested)


You will need to install the NI VISA software before installing the DAQ software. You can find it here.
(SL6 version here)

NI VISA installation instructions:

cd /tmp 
mkdir NiVisa
cd NiVisa
cp $NIVISALOC/NI-VISA-17.0.0.iso .
mount -o loop NI-VISA-17.0.0.iso .
umount /tmp/NiVisa

You may need these packages


You will also need to install ROOT from cern (here) Makefiles for the different models can be found in the makefiles directory. Use the appropriate one for the 'scope your using.

Build the software using 'make'


Run tekdaq -h to get usage instructions.


The software produces a ROOT file containing two branches:

	Contains information on the 'scope setting during this run
	Contains branches with the data:
		 a vector<double> branch containing the waveform
		 a double branch containing the peak as measured by the 'scope
		 a double branch containing the horizontal bin width
		 a double branch containing the trigger timestamp in UNIX time

There is a ROOT script included for displaying the waveforms (draw.C). To use it, run .x draw.C("tek.root", ch, ev) at the ROOT prompt. ch is the channel number, ev is the event number.

While running, the software produces temporary files named filename_n.root, each containing some number of entries (set by the tekdaq -r command). If the software closes without crashing, these are merged into filename.root and deleted.


Much of the code used in this software was written by Paul Poffenberger. I adapted the code to an object oriented framework and added some more options