#WebStats Elixir
##Synopsis This is a statistical web crawler written in Elixir using HTTPoison. Given an initial URL, this application will scan and keep track of all the start-tags of the initial webpage as well as its connecting pages. The final listing will show all the webpages visited, the total number of start-tags found on each page, as well as a sorted global count for each start tag.
##Installation This application requires Elixir 1.2.x.
##Running the Application To compile:
mix escript.build
To run, open the Elixir shell with the command:
iex -S mix
Then, enter the initial URL to be scanned, the maximum pages to visit, and the max depth by replacing url, pages, and depth, respectively:
Assignment3.startOn("url", maxPages: pages, maxDepth: depth)
The maximum pages to navigate and the max depth is optional.
If no value is entered, then the maximum pages to navigate will have a default value of 10 and the maximum depth will have a default value of 3.