
SDK target for opensource.apple.com code

Primary LanguageC


SDK target for opensource.apple.com code

Install from homebrew
$ brew update
$ brew tap samdmarshall/formulae
$ brew install samdmarshall/formulae/privatesdks --HEAD
Install from github
  1. $ git clone git@github.com:samdmarshall/OSXPrivateSDK.git PrivateSDKs
  2. Go to Build Settings for the project file and add <path to clone directory>/PrivateSDKs/PrivateMacOSX10.9.sparse.sdk to the Additional SDKs build setting.

Note: On some projects this will not work out of the box, if you have build errors due to not being able to find headers or frameworks. Use the flags -isystem and -iframework to add additional system header and framework search paths as necessary.

This is based on many of the projects on opensource.apple.com to build in a proper environment. Looking for contributions and fixes to add more compatibility to existing projects.