
Ansible collection of modules related to Armbian

Primary LanguagePython


This collection contains a module for gathering facts on Armbian. More Armbian related things may be added in the future.

Ansible 2.9 and later is required.

The module parses /etc/armbian-release and stores the result in ansible_facts.armbian. Here is an example:

"ansible_facts": {
    "armbian": {
        "arch": "arm",
        "board": "orangepiplus2e",
        "board_family": "sun8i",
        "board_name": "Orange Pi+ 2E",
        "board_type": "conf",
        "branch": "current",
        "build_repository_commit": "e6fa811d-dirty",
        "build_repository_url": "https://github.com/armbian/build",
        "distribution_codename": "buster",
        "distribution_status": "supported",
        "image_type": "stable",
        "initrd_arch": "arm",
        "kernel_image_type": "Image",
        "linux_family": "sunxi",
        "version": "20.08.1"

If /etc/armbian-release is not available ansible_facts.armbian will be an empty dictionary. It is safe to run this on non-Armbian hosts without causing your playbook to fail. See ansible-doc samdoran.armbian.armbian_facts for more details.


ansible-galaxy collection install samdoran.armbian


This module can either be called explicitly by a task or added to the list of FACTS_MODULES that run automatically during the fact gathering stage.

Adding to the default Facts Modules

Add the module to the configuration:

facts_modules = samdoran.armbian.armbian_facts

This means that any time fact gathering is run, armbian_facts will be run in addition to the default fact gathering. This can be done in a playbook:

- hosts: armbian
  gather_facts: yes

Or ad hoc:

ansible all -m samdoran.armbian.armbian_facts
ansible all -m gather_facts

Explicit Task

You can call the module at any time using a task. Since this is a facts module, there is no need to register the output. The returned facts will automatically be set for the host. If fact caching is enabled, the gathered facts will be cached.

- hosts: armbian
  gather_facts: yes
    - name: Gather Armbian facts

Modules in this Collection

  • samdoran.armbian.armbian_facts - Gather facts about Armbian.