
Install Mosquitto MQTT Server

Primary LanguagePython



Install Eclipse Mosquitto, a lightweight MQTT broker.


EPEL repository. Docker if running in a container.

Role Variables

Name Default Value Description
mqtt_installation_method native How to install the service, either native or container.
mqtt_directories [see defaults/main.yml] Paths for config, data, and logs
mqtt_config_files [see defaults/main.yml]
mqtt_touch_files [see defaults/main.yml]
mqtt_include_dir {{ mqtt_config_dir }}/conf.d
mqtt_accounts [] List of accounts and their hash generated with mosquitto_passwd that will have access to the broker.
mqtt_container_name mqtt Name of the running container.
mqtt_image_name eclipse-mosquitte Name of the image to pull.
mqtt_container_network_mode bridge Container networking mode.
mqtt_container_restart_policy always Conatainer restart policy. Setting to always ensures the container will start when the Docker daemon launches.
mqtt_container_data_path /mosquitto Path inside running container where config will be available.
mqtt_container_state started State of the container.
mqtt_container_published_ports [see defaults/main.yml] Ports to publish from the container.
mqtt_container_volumes [see defaults/main.yml] Volumes to mount into the running container
mqtt_sys_interval 10
mqtt_store_clean_interval 10
mqtt_pid_file /var/run/mosquitto.pid
mqtt_user mosquitto
mqtt_max_inflight_messages 20
mqtt_max_inflight_bytes 0
mqtt_max_queued_messages 100
mqtt_max_queued_bytes 0
mqtt_queue_qos0_messages false
mqtt_message_size_limit 0
mqtt_allow_zero_length_clientid true
mqtt_auto_id_prefix ``
mqtt_persistent_client_expiration 1d
mqtt_allow_duplicate_messages false
mqtt_upgrade_outgoing_qos false
mqtt_set_tcp_nodelay false
mqtt_per_listener_settings false
mqtt_bind_address {{ ansible_facts.default_ipv4_address }}
mqtt_port 1883
mqtt_max_connections -1
mqtt_protocol mqtt
mqtt_http_dir {{ mqtt_data_dir }}
mqtt_use_username_as_clientid false
mqtt_cafile ''
mqtt_capath ''
mqtt_certfile ''
mqtt_keyfile ''
mqtt_tls_version 1.2
mqtt_require_certificate false
mqtt_use_identity_as_username false
mqtt_use_subject_as_username false
mqtt_crlfile ''
mqtt_psk_hint Greetings from mosquitto
mqtt_listeners []
mqtt_mount_point ''
mqtt_autosave_interval 1800
mqtt_autosave_on_changes false
mqtt_persistence false
mqtt_persistence_file mosquitto.db
mqtt_persistence_location {{ mqtt_data_dir }}/
mqtt_log_dests [file /var/log/mosquitto.log]
mqtt_log_facility daemon
mqtt_log_types [error, warning]
mqtt_websockets_log_level 0
mqtt_connection_messages true
mqtt_log_timestamp true
mqtt_clientid_prefixes false
mqtt_allow_anonymous true
mqtt_password_file {{ mqtt_config_dir }}/passwd
mqtt_psk_file ''
mqtt_acl_file {{ mqtt_config_dir }}/acl
mqtt_auth_plugins []
mqtt_connection <name>
mqtt_address <host>[:<port>] [<host>[:<port>]]
mqtt_topic ` [[[out in
mqtt_bridge_protocol_version mqttv311
mqtt_bridge_attempt_unsubscribe true
mqtt_round_robin false
mqtt_remote_clientid ``
mqtt_local_clientid false
mqtt_cleansession false
mqtt_notifications true
mqtt_notification_topic $SYS/broker/connection/<clientid>/state
mqtt_keepalive_interval 60
mqtt_start_type automatic
mqtt_restart_timeout 30
mqtt_idle_timeout 60
mqtt_threshold 10
mqtt_try_private true
mqtt_remote_username ``
mqtt_remote_password ``
mqtt_bridge_cafile ``
mqtt_bridge_capath ``
mqtt_bridge_certfile ``
mqtt_bridge_keyfile ``
mqtt_bridge_insecure false
mqtt_bridge_identity ``
mqtt_bridge_psk ``


  • samdoran.repo_epel
  • samdoran.docker (only if running in a container)

Example Playbook

- hosts: all
    - import_role:
        name: samdoran.repo_epel

    - import_role:
        name: samdoran.mosquitto


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