CentOS 6 Ansible Test Image

Container Repository on Quay

This is a container for testing Ansible roles with Molecule. It includes the latest version of Ansible available on this platform and is rebuilt regularly. It can also be used if you need to run Ansible on a specific operating system.

Note that Molecule does not use the Ansible version installed in the container when running tests.


To build your own version of this container, run:

podman build -t centos6-ansible -f Containerfile .

Testing a role using Molecule

If you don't already have a role repository, you can initialize one using this cookiecutter template.

molecule init template --url https://github.com/samdoran/cookiecutter-ansible-role

Then run molecule test to run the full test suite against the role.

Run molecule converge to run the role against the test container but leave it running. This allows you to connect to the container using molecule login or just test running your role multiple times against an existing container.

If you already have a role being testing using Molecule, add this to the platforms section of your molecule.yml to use this image:

  - name: role-test
    image: "quay.io/samdoran/${MOLECULE_DISTRIBUTION:-centos6}-ansible:latest"
    command: ${MOLECULE_COMMAND:-""}
      - /sys/fs/cgroup:/sys/fs/cgroup:ro
    privileged: yes
    pre_build_image: yes

The important parts are pre_build_image: yes and the image name. Molecule allows you to use environment variables in the configuration file, which is very handy. This allows you to easily change the container that molecule uses for tests (among other things) simply by changing the enivorment variable.

env MOLECULE_DISTRIBUTION=debian9 molecule test