Problems I have worked upon on HackerRank. All solutions are in Clojure.
Each problem is usually in 1 file (namespace). I usually divide up a problem into 3 parts. Here is an example.
(ns hackerrank.challenges.two-strings
[clojure.set :refer [intersection]]
[clojure.test :as test :refer [deftest testing is]]))
;; PART 1 - functionality being developed.
(defn string-intersection? [s1 s2]
(-> (intersection (set s1) (set s2))
;; PART 2 - define some simple to complex test.
(deftest two-strings-test []
(is (= true (string-intersection? "hello" "world")))
(is (= false (string-intersection? "hi" "world"))))
;; PART 3 - submission script that reads from stdin and writes to stdout.
;; I comment them out in the code using `#_` in order that they not block
;; my test runner from executing.
#_(doseq [i (range (Integer/parseInt (read-line)))
:let [s1 (read-line)
s2 (read-line)]]
(if (string-intersection? s1 s2)
You will need to have boot installed.
> git clone
> cd hackerrank
> boot autotest