
Primary LanguageClojureMIT LicenseMIT

Clojure.Zip Viewer


Live Version of the Clojure.Zip/Viewer

This is an online application that allows you interactively manipulate a tree (really any clojure data structure) with clojure.zip. I made this to help with my understanding of the clojure.zip namespace.


Upon clicking the above link, you will be presented with a list of clojure.zip constructors. Paste the data structure in the appropriate constructor. As an example, try pasting [1 2 [3 4] 5] in the (vector-zip nil) constructor's input. The section will turn blue to indicate that it may be clicked. Go ahead and click on (vector-zip [1 2 [3 4] 5]).


The view will transform to the functions that view/move/modify a clojure.zip loc. There is a history at the bottom that shows the functions that have been called. The currently selected history row is bold. You can change the currently selected history by clicking upon a row (undo/redo). You can also view the raw loc by clicking the chevron on the left of each row.

That's about it, hope it helps with visualizing clojure.zip functionality.


Pull Request are welcome.

Every function in clojure.zip is supported except for (edit) & (zipper) (see Issue #3). There is also an issue with using (seq-zip) as the reader will not read quoted values (see Issue #2). Any help on these problems is greatly appreciated as it would allow full coverage of the clojure.zip namespace.

Also, if you have ideas about how to make the UI better (or any ideas in general), I appreciate constructive feedback.

Thank you.


This project uses figwheel.main for development. Assuming that is setup then clone this project and cd into it.

>> git clone git@github.com:samedhi/zip-viewer.git
>> cd zip-viewer

Then proceed using either the console or emacs.


>> clj -m figwheel.main -b dev


emacs src/zip-viewer/core.cljs

From within emacs, type M-x cider-jack-in-cljs and then Enter. figwheel-main is your environment and dev is your build.


After a little time a browser will open with the app loaded within it. Editing any of the files under /src or the resources/public/css/style.css file should cause those files to be live-reloaded upon save. For more information please read the figwheel.main docs (they are quite good).
