

Primary LanguageJava

Message Delivery Platform


Created 2 docker based microservices

  1. mdp-frontend (JSON)
  2. mdp-backend (JSON)

The 2 microservices interact via Camel message transformation and processing

Both mdp-frontend and mdp-backend are JSON based ReST ful microservices Leveraging Camel and Docker

Message validation

The validation of the JSON message is done using json schema via spring based validator

Message processing and transfomration

The mdp-frontend receives the "message" json - transforms (and also processes message) it into "information" json to be consumed by the backend.

The mdp-frontend receives the "information" json - transforms (and also processes information) it into "message" to be persisted into the database and same is sent back to be displayed by the mdp-frontend


The relavant endpoints are :

