Dawson Coffee 'n Code

Welcome to a starter project for the Dawson Coffee 'n Code club


Install python, git, and virtualenv

  • Our programming language:

    • Python 3.6
    • ships with our package manager/installer (no need to download) pip
  • Our Version Control Tool: Git

  • Our tool for isolated environments: Virtualenv $pip install virtualenv

Setup an isolated virtualenv


$ mkdir coffee_n_code_project
$ cd coffee_n_code_project
$ virtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3.6 venv_cnc
$ source venv_cnc/bin/activate
(venv_cnc)$ git clone https://github.com/sameerbhatnagar/dawson-coffee-n-code.git
(venv_cnc)$ cd dawson-coffee_n_code
(venv_cnc)$ pip install -r requirements.txt


Jupyter Notebooks

Jupyter is a python package that enables reproducible research via their notebooks.

$ jupyter notebook notebooks/Scikit-Learn Demo.ipynb

This will open a notebook file in the browser, with some code chunks from the Machine Learning library we will be working with, SciKit Learn

Simply hit Shift + Enter on each code cell, and the code will be executed.