
Some tips for using Adrian Cantrills courses on cantril.io

Cantrill tips

Some tips for using Adrian Cantrill's courses on https://learn.cantrill.io/. Submit a PR to add or improve upon this repository.


This site gathers many of the questions asked on the TechStudySlack workspace to help the community find answers and help them study effectively.

  • Read the FAQ
    Frequently asked questions on the slack workspace. Some questions are asked multiple times others are pasted from conversations on the workspace. Please add a PR if you think something is missing

  • The most effective process for studying
    Its very important to adopt the correct process for your studies.
    Make a consious decision to gain knowledge and not just rush through to get a certification.
    Certification is a by-product of these courses. The important thing is to learn and gain skills
    Make a plan for what you want to achieve and stick to it.

  • Taking Notes while you study
    The only true way to learn and retain information is to take notes.
    If you are not taking notes you are not learning.
    The process of taking your own notes is how you learn.
    Do NOT use other peoples notes.
    Focus on understanding a lesson. Then rationalise your understanding. Compress it. And note it.

  • Practice Exams (Use tutorialsdojo.com)
    You gain the best value from your studies by completing Adrians course first and only then start taking the TutorialsDoJo.com exams.

Don't bother using exam dump sites, aside from it being cheating and against the AWS exam policy, it's just not effective. The questions are full of errors, and the supposed correct answers are frequently nonsense, meaning these questions actually harm your understanding. Even if they were somehow accurate (they aren't) if you cheat your way to a pass, you will most certainly get laughed out of any professional interview within minutes. So it's just not worth it.