
FACTORIE is a toolkit for deployable probabilistic modeling, implemented as a software library in Scala. It provides its users with a succinct language for creating relational factor graphs, estimating parameters and performing inference.

Primary LanguageScalaOtherNOASSERTION

This directory contains the source of FACTORIE, a toolkit for
probabilistic modeling based on imperatively-defined factor graphs.

More information is available at http://factorie.cs.umass.edu.

Installation relies on Maven, version 2.  
If you don't already have maven, install it from

To compile type
$ mvn compile

To create a self-contained .jar, that contains FACTORIE plus all
its dependencies, including the Scala runtime, type 
$ mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true package -Pjar-with-dependencies

To create a similar self-contained .jar that also contains all
resources needed for NLP (including our lexicons and pre-trained
model parameters), type  
$ mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true package -Pnlp-jar-with-dependencies

Then you can run some FACTORIE tools from the command-line.
For example, you can run many natural language processing tools.
$ bin/fac nlp --pos1 --ner1
will launch an NLP server that will perform part-of-speech tagging
and named entity recognition in its input.  The server listens
for text on a socket, and spawns a parallel document processor
on each request.  To feed it input, type in a separate shell
$ echo "I told Mr. Smith to take a job at IBM in Raleigh." | nc localhost 3228

You can also run a latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA) topic model.
Assume that "mytextdir" is a directory name containing many plain text documents
each in its own file.  Then typing 
$ bin/fac lda --read-dirds mytextdir --num-topics 20 --num-iterations 100
will run 100 iterations of a sparse collapsed Gibbs sampling on all
the documents, and print out the results every 10 iterations.
FACTORIE's LDA implementation is faster than MALLET's.

You can also train a document classifier.
Assume that "sportsdir" and "politicsdir" are each directories that 
contain plan text files in the categories sports and politics.
$ bin/fac classify --read-text-dirs sportsdir politicsdir --write-classifier mymodel.factorie
will train a log-linear by maximum likelihood (MaxEnt) and save
it in the file "mymodel.factorie".

The above are simply a few simple command-line options.  Internally
the FACTORIE library contains extensive and general facilities for
factor graphs: data representation, model structure, inference, learning.