Character-level language modeling with LSTMs trained on old-English "Tragedy of Hamlet"
- TensorFlow version: 2.0.0-alpha
- Training data: "Tragedy of Hamlet"
- 1 custom layer converting the input uint8 type data into one-hot float32 type categorical data
- 1 LSTM layer with 1024 units with Stateful = True
- 1 Dense layer with the number of units equal to the number of unique characters
- Number of time steps/Sequence Length: 100
- Dropout: 0
- Categorical Cross Entropy Loss function
- Adam Optimizer(learning rate: .001)
- Batch size: 64
- Epochs: 100
- Categorical accuracy: 99.95%
- Prediction Function 1 uses tf.argmax for the next character
- Prediction Function 2 uses tf.random.categorical for the next character following the tensorflow "Text Generation" example