* Exploratory data analysis using pandas, seaborn plotting and
scikit-learn feature selection
* Data preprocessing including splitting, scaling and balancing
data (SMOTEENN, SVMSMOTE algorithms)
* Classification using Logistic Regression, Random Forest and
* Hyperparameter tuning of XGBClassifier parameters using
RandomizedSearchCV of scikit-learn
* Plotting of the train, test and fit data
* The best training accuracy (~99.8%) comes from a XGBClassifier on
SVMSMOTE balanced data but with a test accuracy of only 90.6% indicating significant overfitting.
* The best test accuracy (~95.0%) comes from Logistic Regression,
RandomForestClassifier and XGBClassifier all fit on SMOTEENN balanced data.
* Possible suggestions for improvement: need further exploratory data analysis to examine for outliers
and leverage points which can be done using studentized residuals.