Transfer Learning in tensorflow (version 2.0.0 in v1; 2.1.0 in v2)
Using MobileNetV2 as the base model.
The images are of different sizes, so have to resize all images to one standard size.
MobileNetV2 accepts only standard input dimensions
Scaling the images using the StandardScaler function from scikit-learn
Uses lot of RAM (~ 20 GB)
Adding a global averaging layer, dropout layer and one dense layer on top
Train:Validation:Test dataset ratio = 0.8:0.1:0.1
Training only the top layers from number 100 in the base model along with the added layers
Best test accuracy 93.4% (in file v1) but with overfitting (training accuracy ~ 99.1%).
Learning how to add regularizations to the pretrained model (files v1 (at the end) and v2)
..* Simply added regularizers does nothing.
..* Need to add regularizers using the method detailed in
With L2 regularization (file v2; l2 = 0.001) - added to the trainable layers in the base model - test accuracy: 93.2% and training accuracy: 95.6%, reducing overfitting
The metrics (accuracy, loss) are different for the training dataset under fit and evaluation modes.
In some cases, it falls from 99% in training to 50% (including validation) in evaluation mode.
The issue is a bit complex as detailed in the blog
These issues is apparently specific to using pretrained models for transfer learning.