
  • git clone searchengine
  • cd searchengine

If you have a Mac, you probably already have pip installed, but just check/upgrade first:

pip install -U pip setuptools

We are using a virtualenv in Python to use self-contained, independent python packages so that we don't have any version conflicts. This means that whenever you want to run, test, or do anything, you must be in the virtualenv.

Postgres Installation

  • Install, make sure it's running before you start the application (see the elephant in your menu bar at the top)

virtualenv Installation

  • virtualenv dev (You don't have to call it dev, but I will for the remainder of this; it's just the name of your environment).
  • source dev/bin/activate

Now that you are inside the virtual environment, install all of your packages inside of it from the requirements.txt:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Compiling JavaScript

  • Have npm installed.
  • Run npm install in the project root.
  • Then run npm start. Note that this is a perpetual task and if you cancel it, your JS changes will not show when you refresh the browser.
  • Now all JS changes will automatically (in a few seconds) get compiled down to js in static/js

Installing ElastiSearch

After downloading the latest release and extracting it, elasticsearch can be started using:


Make sure that http://localhost:9200 opens up and shows you some json. That's how you know it's running!

Database Setup

  • Set up your PATH correctly:

  • In ~/.bash_profile, add:

      export PATH="/Applications/$PATH"
  • Then run source ~/.bash_profile

  • Run these commands in Terminal:

      createdb searchengine
      createuser -P -s -e cook

Enter chef as the password

  • In the searchengine folder, create a file called

      DEBUG = True
      DATABASES = {
          "default": {
              "ENGINE": "django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2",
              "NAME": "searchengine",
              "USER": "cook",
              "PASSWORD": "chef",
              "HOST": "localhost",
              "PORT": "5432",

Check that everything works by running:

python syncdb && python makemigrations && python migrate

If it does, you're set and you can run the local server. If not, reach out to me and I'll see if I can help.

Making Migrations

  • If you make a change in engine/, you need to migrate those changes to the database schema. Do that with:

      python makemigrations && python migrate

Now, in a separate window/tab in your Terminal, you can finally run:

  python runserver

Open up http://localhost:8000!

ElastiSearch index updating:

Using the standard SearchIndex, your search index content is only updated whenever you run either python update_index or start afresh with python rebuild_index.