Inconsistency demo

A small set of applications that reproduces a weird bug we're having in our production environment.


In our production system, we found out that even though some messages failed during processing, some crud operations did not entirely roll back their transactions.


You need this installed on your machine

  • SqlServer (I happen to have 2017 developer edition)
  • MSDTC running
  • MSMQ running
  • Visual Studio (msbuild.exe)

How to run

Run the Runme.ps1 in the root of the repository. This will

  1. Create the database
  2. Nuget restore and build the applications
  3. Start both applications

Once both applications are running, you can verify that the LoopService is working. It only takes a few minutes for inconsistencies to appear on my developer machine. When the Trancount property is 0 we cannot roll back crud operations.

Console applications running

Verify using SQL:

Transaction is not rolled back

We have not been able to reproduce without the transactional WCF call. In this example we also instruct NServiceBus to NOT to create a transaction.

We have trimmed the example to the smallest amount of code possibly, only leaving logging and some database cruds for demo purposes. We have also disabled NServiceBus transaction handling, only leaving our own TransactionScope.

All the important bits are in the DemoService\Handlers\DostuffHandler.cs and DemoService\Infrastructure\EndpointConfig.cs files.